yes we've been away
it's the busy season around here. i have one more week left in summer I (yay for speed reading government) and then i'll get a couple of days off before summer II starts (government and algebra dammit), so who know how few and far between posts will be. bug merritt -- make her post more!
i have a new fascination with joe louis. i saw a documentary about him the other day and now i need to find his autobiography. i think i'm on a biography/documentary kick again, so if anyone has suggestions, let me know (keep in mind i probably won't be able to read for enjoyment til the end august).
i got wii fit the other day, and have mastered hula hooping, but that's about it. i have horrible balance. merritt, on the otherhand, is proof that the lessons from dance class never go away. speaking of which, do i have everyone's wii friend code?
on a more serious note, my dog lucy had surgery earlier this week to remove two mast cell tumors. she seems to be recovering well (though she's not digging the e-collar she has to wear when i'm not looking), and we'll get all of the test results back next week, so please keep your fingers crossed that we'll get good news.
You forgot the link to the video of you guys playing.
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